English 1 2.71828 **************************************************** By omnibus I traveled to Brooklyn. (David Mage, New York) Gardner I, p. 98 English 2 2.718281828 **************************************************** To distrupt a playroom is commonly a practice of children. (Joseph J Guiteras, Baldwinsville, New York) Gardner I, p. 97 English 3 2.7182818 **************************************************** It enables a numskull to memorize a quantity of numerals. (Gene Wildhoff, Burbank, California) Gardner I, p. 98 English 4 2.7182818284 **************************************************** To express e, remember to memorize a sentence to simplify this. (John L. Greene, Beverly Hills, California) Gardner I, p. 97 English 5 2.7182818 **************************************************** 1 I'm forming a mnemonic to remember a function in analysis. (Maxey Brooke, Sweeny, Texas) Gardner II, p. 40 2 I'm forming a mnemonic to remember a constant in calculus... From: whuang@cco.caltech.edu (Wei-Hwa Huang) newsgroups: rec.puzzles English 6 2.7182818284 5904523536 **************************************************** In showing a painting to probably a critical or vonomous lady, anger dominates. O take guard, or she raves and shouts! (Edward Conklin, New Haven, Connecticat) Editor's Note: 0 (zero) = O (word) Gardner II, p. 40 English 7 2.7182818284 **************************************************** He repeats: I shouldn't be tippling, I shouldn't be toppling here! (A. R. Krall, Cockeysville, Maryland) Gardner II, p. 40 English 8 2.7182818284+ **************************************************** To destroy a building, we detonate a quantity of hydrogen bombs. From: Joseph C Fineman English 9 2.71828182845 904523536028 747135266249 7757 **************************************************** We present a mnemonic to memorize a constant so exciting that Euler exclaimed: `!' when first it was found, yes, loudly `!' My students perhaps will compute e, use power of Taylor series, an easy summation formula, obvious, clear, elegant!' by Z. Barel Barel, p. 253 http://www.planetary.caltech.edu/~eww/math/node1617.html Editor's Note: 0 = !